The Whale Centre Tofino

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BIGG'S KILLER WHALES: T075B's, T075C's and T037A1 were in Tofino the past two days!

Yesterday we got word that 6 Killer Whales were making their way into Templar Channel. We met up with the Killer Whales as they were making their way through the Channel into the Tofino Harbour. They swam through the harbour and up Browning Passage. We identified the whales as the T075B, T075B2, T075B3, T075C, T075C1 and T037A1. They were last seen last night in the Bedwell.

This morning we heard that the same group was coming out of the Bedwell. We caught up with them at Rant Point where the T075B’s, T075C’s and T037A1 made a seal kill. They celebrated the kill with breaching and tail slaps.

The group spent then afternoon making their way out to Plover Reefs.

According to our records we have not photographed the T075B’s and T075C’s since 2011 in Clayoquot Sound.

Very exciting few days considering we have not had Killer Whales in Clayoquot Sound for over three weeks.

So far this week we have seen the Killer Whales plus Grey Whales, Humpback Whales and a Minke Whale!